
Once a government or tech company develops a definition of terrorism or violent extremism, it can be difficult to know how to apply these definitions to the variety of ways that terrorism and violent extremism manifests internationally and across online spaces.

This section of the site aims to highlight contextual resources on themes related to applying definitions to the online space.  GIFCT funds the Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET) to bring forward actionable insights from experts and practitioners around the world to better inform and give context to tech companies, governments, practitioners and other stakeholders in this field. Insights are curated here under context-based themes.


Platform & Product Type/Focus

The internet is not a homogenous space. There is significant variation in what platforms or tools online do, and subsequently an equally significant variation in how a platform might be exploited and the signal available to a platform to detect such exploitation. Experts continue to track the different types of platforms and tools being exploited by terrorists and violent extremist, looking at how and why a group or individual might use a product. While some platforms are more global in usage, others are specific to trends in regions or particular types of violent extremist groups.

  • 26th June 2023
    Moms for Liberty: The Use of Facebook to Spread Far-Right Propaganda and Change Public School Curriculum
    Diana Wallens
  • 09th June 2023
    How ‘Gnome Hunting’ Became TikTok’s Latest Antisemitic Dog Whistle
    Abbie Richards, Robin O'Luanaigh and Lea Marchl
  • 23rd May 2023
    Online Incitement and Small-Scale Terrorism: Violent Rhetoric from the Freedom Movement on Facebook
    Gerard Gill
  • 18th May 2023
    My Wish to be a #Tradwife: An Introduction to #tradwife Memes on Whisper
    Ninian Frenguelli and Amy-Louise Watkin
  • 17th May 2023
    Inside the Cult of Stefan Molyneux: A Historical Exploration of Far-Right Radicalisation on YouTube
    Daniël Jurg, Maximilian Schlüter and Marc Tuters
  • 12th May 2023
    Analysing Harmful and Supremacist Narratives on Gab Homeschooling Groups
    Ye Bin Won
  • 10th May 2023
    The Revitalisation of Christian Identity Content on YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok
    Eliza Marks
  • 09th May 2023
    Christgram: White Christian Extremism on Telegram
    Jakob Guhl
  • 21st April 2023
    Wilayat Facebook and Instagram: An Exploration of Pro-IS Activities on Mainstream Platforms
    Meili Criezis

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