
Once a government or tech company develops a definition of terrorism or violent extremism, it can be difficult to know how to apply these definitions to the variety of ways that terrorism and violent extremism manifests internationally and across online spaces.

This section of the site aims to highlight contextual resources on themes related to applying definitions to the online space.  GIFCT funds the Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET) to bring forward actionable insights from experts and practitioners around the world to better inform and give context to tech companies, governments, practitioners and other stakeholders in this field. Insights are curated here under context-based themes.


CT Efforts/Positive Interventions

Counterterrorism and counter-extremism campaigns and interventions online have evolved in recent years. These efforts aim to intervene in processes of radicalization, deplatform known extremist networks, redirect users to counterspeech content and positive alternatives, or direct users to resources that can help them disengage from violent extremist networks. International academics have been evolving the intervention space to discuss measurement and evaluation of these campaigns and programs, as well as looking to the future in assessing where interventions can evolve and innovate.

  • 15th May 2024
    Strange Names in the Village: Online Radicalisation, Social Media Literacy and P/CVE in Western Kenya
    Fredrick Ogenga
  • 28th March 2024
    Preventing Extremist Violence Using Existing Content Moderation Tools
    Kris McGuffie
  • 26th January 2024
    Data Collection in Online Terrorism and Extremism Research: Future Directions
    Dr. Ryan Scrivens, Dr. Joshua D. Freilich, Dr. Steven Chermak and Dr. Richard Frank
  • 11th December 2023
    Can’t Stand the Heat?: Best Practices and Institutional Responsibilities to Safeguard Extremism Researchers
    Maddie Cannon
  • 06th December 2023
    Weapon or Tool?: How the Tech Community Can Shape Robust Standards and Norms for AI, Gender, and Peacebuilding
    Nick Zuroski
  • 24th November 2023
    Integrating Gender Across OSINT Cycles: Good Practices for Practitioners
    Clara Ribeiro Assumpcão
  • 23rd November 2023
    Meaningful Transparency for CVE: Process not Policy
    Jon Deedman
  • 09th October 2023
    Far-Right Extremist Exploitation of AI and Alt-Tech: The Need for P/CVE Responses to an Emerging Technological Trend
    Dr. William Allchorn
  • 20th September 2023
    An Evolving Threat Landscape: Composite Violent Extremism and Prevention Efforts
    Daveed Gartenstein Ross and Thomas Plant

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