
Once a government or tech company develops a definition of terrorism or violent extremism, it can be difficult to know how to apply these definitions to the variety of ways that terrorism and violent extremism manifests internationally and across online spaces.

This section of the site aims to highlight contextual resources on themes related to applying definitions to the online space.  GIFCT funds the Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET) to bring forward actionable insights from experts and practitioners around the world to better inform and give context to tech companies, governments, practitioners and other stakeholders in this field. Insights are curated here under context-based themes.


CT Efforts/Positive Interventions

Counterterrorism and counter-extremism campaigns and interventions online have evolved in recent years. These efforts aim to intervene in processes of radicalization, deplatform known extremist networks, redirect users to counterspeech content and positive alternatives, or direct users to resources that can help them disengage from violent extremist networks. International academics have been evolving the intervention space to discuss measurement and evaluation of these campaigns and programs, as well as looking to the future in assessing where interventions can evolve and innovate.


Deplatforming bans or removes extremist and/or terrorist networks from social media platforms. There is not a consistent approach across platforms when it comes to deplatforming. Research also suggests that deplatforming may vary between types of group as it may be more challenging to deplatform far-right groups than Islamist Extremist terrorist groups.

  • 14th September 2022
    The Tate Storm: Why Banning Andrew Tate from Social Media Will Not Stop the ‘King of Toxic Masculinity’
    Abhinaya Murthy
  • 18th January 2022
    Tracing Extremist Platform Migration on the Darkweb: Lessons for Deplatforming
    Bluth Crawford
  • 09th November 2021
    Extremist Experimentation with Text-Based Instant Messaging Applications
    Bennett Clifford
  • 22nd June 2021
    Extremism Unmasked
    Marc-André Argentino
  • 27th January 2021
    From MAGA to the Fringe: What Was Happening Online Before the 6 January Insurrection and What Can We Do Now?
    Meili Criezis, Brad Galloway
  • 22nd January 2021
    Extremism in the Manosphere During the Presidential Transition
    Dr. Alexis Henshaw
  • 18th January 2021
    Redpill the “Parler Refugees”: White Supremacist Strategies for Radicalising Trump Supporters on Telegram
    Meili Criezis
  • 15th January 2021
    Why Deplatforming the Extreme Right is a Lot More Challenging than Deplatforming IS
    Dr. Maura Conway
  • 05th August 2020
    Facebook’s Disruption of the Boogaloo Network
    Jonathan Lewis

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